Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Trimester 3 - MCC 0033 : Computer Graphics 3

Here come the new semester and we are now going into deeper lesson about Computer Graphics. We had learnt Adobe Illustrator in trimester 1 and Adobe Photoshop in trimester 2. In trimester 3, we are still using these 2 software and the main software we will learn is Adobe Flash.

  So, what is Adobe Flash?

Adobe Flash (formerly Macromedia Flash) is a multimedia platform used to add animation, video, and interactivity to web pages. Flash is frequently used for advertisements and games. More recently, it has been positioned as a tool for "Rich Internet Applications" ("RIAs").
Flash manipulates vector and raster graphics to provide animation of text, drawings, and still images. It supports bidirectional streaming of audio and video, and it can capture user input via mouse, keyboard, microphone, and camera. Flash contains an object-oriented language called ActionScript.
Flash content may be displayed on various computer systems and devices, using Adobe Flash Player, which is available free of charge for common web browsers, some mobile phones and a few other electronic devices (using Flash Lite).
Some users feel that Flash enriches their web experience, while others find the extensive use of Flash animation, particularly in advertising, intrusive and annoying, giving rise to a cottage industry that specializes in blocking Flash content. Flash has also been criticized for adversely affecting the usability of web pages.  

I am using Adobe Flash CS4 Professional version. And this is how the interface look like.

Some basic introduction to the interface : 

  • Stage. Anything out of stage will not be seen after the works is done.
  • Library. Import everything you wanted to use into it.
  • Time line. Decide on how many frames per second and place picture.

Here are the Important Shortcut Key:

  • F5 = Insert Frames.Insert the amount of frames you want.

  • F6 = Convert to Key Frame.Seperate or start another frames.

  • V = Selection Tools.Select items.

  • Q = Free Transform Tools. Free Transformation.

  • Ctrl + T = Transform. For details Transformation.