Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Environmental Design : Final Submission of Exhibition Booth Design Phase 2

Friday, January 6, 2012

Environmental Design : Less is More, More is Less

"Less is More, More is Less" is a famous phrase that we always heard and being told by lecturers. I think it is an important concept that must be remember by design students. Less is more and more is less is important because it help to take balance of the design. The white space and the design must look balance to provide eye relief and show the content/information of the design more efficiency.

Too less thing on a design cause the design look plain and lost something. It will make users confused about what is the design trying to tell or sell. Yet, too much information put on one design will cause the design look complex and user might not take attention to every single details. Even though all the information/elements are very good, put all in together will only drag down the quality of the information. So, less is more and more is less is very often advocate in any designs. 

Well balance of less is more and more is less does help to show the main focus of the design and bring out the information clearly yet make the viewers feel comfortable with it. Less is more and more is less highly emphasis on produce a minimalist design. A minimalist design bring out the important information by only few important points and help users to understand the design's meaning easily.