Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Group Work : Making of calender - [ August ]

On the psd. file of calender template, create a new layer and name it as "sky gradient".

Using Rectangular Marquee Tool to draw a rectangle and grab the Gradient Tool from tool box and fill the layer with light blue.

Use a darker blue to do a gradient fill again as shown below:

Create a new layer called “cloud”, and use the cloud brushes to paint some cloud on top of the gradient layer.

Drag the grassland image into the canvas and name it as "grass field". Ctrl + T to access Free Transform and adjust it to fit the size of calender and place it as below.

Add a layer mask onto the grass field layer and use Eraser Tool with soft brush to erase the upper part of image. 

Open the image of mountain and use Quick Selection Tool to select the wanted image out of background and right-click >> Feather >> feather =5 pixels to smoothen the edges. 

Drag the selected image into the calender document and name it as "mountain".Place it under the Sky gradient layer.

Drag a river image into the calender document ,name it as "river" . 

Add a layer mask onto it and erase the unwanted grass part. Left only the river part.

Open the refer image and use Quick Selection Tool to select the bridge out of background, right-click >> Feather >> feather =5 pixels to smoothen the edges. 

Drag the selected image into the calender document and name it as "bridge". Ctrl + T to adjust the size of the bridge and also change it position. Press Alt while transforming the bridge to change it level position to make the bridge look more like close to the grass field .

Adjust the color balance to a bit greenish to make the surround look fresher and harmony.

Open the image of accordion. Duplicate the layer and Filter >> Other >> High Pass ,change the blending mode to overlay to make the image clearer.

Using Magic Wand Tool to select the accordion out of its background and feather it and drag it into the calender document.Name it as "accordion".

Create a new layer under accordion and name it as "shadow".Using soft brush with black color to paint some shadow of the accordion.Change it opacity to 40%.

Duplicate the river layer and place it onto accordion's layer. Add a layer mask onto it and erase unwanted part to make the accordion look like drop into the river.

Using Horizontal Type Tool to add date and month onto the calender and also holidays.

Adjust the color balance again so that it look more compatible within all layer and lastly I create a new group and place all layer into it and name it as "calender image".

Here is the outcome : 

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