Sunday, October 23, 2011

Environmental Design : Information Counter and Information Kiosk Studies

Information Counter : 

Venue / Location :  CIMB Bank Information Counter Booth at Sunway Pyramid

Front view.

Side view.

Side view.

Inner site view.

The overall design are in circular pattern. It is easy to see that the whole design for the booth is well follow the circular way of flow and it's in smooth circulation. If we neglect the other part of the information booth and only emphasis on the information counter, you can see that the information counter was in curve shape and compatible with the overlapping circle layers lamp which located on the top of the information counter and the half-circle shape banner.

The information counter itself is well follow the whole concept for the booth and it is well arranged at the edge of the booth covered area. The design of the information counter is quite simple with only one big screen inserted at the left side of the information counter and nothing else beside it. This could be the concept of "less is more", since the information counter is a place for other to ask for information nor looking at their design. And, the importance information and design is emphasis in the flyer/brochure that being put on top face of the information counter.

Lastly, I think the design of this information counter is suitable and appropriate with the location and brand. There are only one screen at the information counter for the purpose of screened out the graphics. The curve design of the information counter suit the location itself which at the corner of the shopping mall which the passers-by would like to turn around to other side. It's easier for the passers-by to walk across it while have a look with it. Thus, I think it is quite a suitable design.

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