Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tutorial 1 : Getting to know the workspaces of Adobe Photoshop

No matter what we are doing, the first and important things is to recognize the surrounding. This theory also applied in learning process.Before we start to learn/use Adobe Photoshop, we should know and get usual with its workspaces first. It would help to reduce the problem we might face and also reduce down the time using for learning tutorials.

Below is the print screen of The Workspace of Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended version.

[click to view the bigger me.:D]

Refer to this site if you have any doubts or problem about the Adobe Photoshop workspace : 


Here are the introduction of Adobe Photoshop Tool Bar.

Unraveling the mysteries of Photoshop Tool Bar and it’s resident icons.They are not as scary as they look !

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